
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween! + A Portrait.

I can't say that I probably won't be tweaking this in the future, but for now, let's call it finished. 
Self Portrait.
Pencil on Rives BFK. 
11" x 14"

I had to scan this in pieces and stitch it back together in photoshop. My scanner makes me want to freak out most days. It's the most unreliable, demonic piece of crap ever. Crappy scan quality aside, I'm almost happy with the way this drawing turned out. If I feel brave, I may attempt to add in some color.

Happy Halloween, everyone!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hello, Winter.

So it seems this big east coast storm sped up our progression into snow season. The flakes have been falling since early this morning, but have yet to add up to much. I believe tomorrow is supposed to be the big day as far as accumulation goes, so I'm holding on to the hope that the power stays on and we stay warm in our little mountain home.

A few photos from the last week:

I have been working on a self-portrait pencil drawing over the last week and I hope to have the first stage of it completed and posted soon.

I wish everyone warmth and safety during this crazy weather!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Autumn Is Here.

There are still so many boxes to unpack/things to organize and I have found myself way behind on the art front. Ideas are still getting jotted down; I just haven't had the time for them. Things will settle down eventually.

Fall is here and it's absolutely beautiful. I hope to at least make some time for photos this week while the weather is still good to us.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Catch Up/"Letterpress - VA".

Moving day finally came and went and we're now in the process of unpacking, sorting, and settling. 

The atmosphere at the new house is quite a bit different than what we're used to; the silence of country life is a happy change after years of living near a busy intersection in town. The traffic and sirens have been replaced by the wind and wildlife. Every morning I wake up in disbelief that this is now our home.

Rooms are coming together steadily, but the studio is still miles from done. So, for now, it looks like I'll be toting my art supplies around the house with me as I steal time away from unpacking.

Here is a little drawing I started working on prior to the move, finally finished:

Marker & colored pencil on marker paper.
Paper Size: 5" x 5"
Image Size: 4" x 4"

"Letterpress - VA" is available for purchase @ my Etsy shop.