
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 25 + Alts.

I've made it to day 25 of my 365 photography project. Here are a few alternative shots from along the way:

Drawings coming soon!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Commissions & Photography.

This poor blog is in needs of updates, but I just don't have anything I can post about right now other than my little photography project. I have a few commission pieces in various stages as well as a personal project that has to remain "hush hush" until completion/delivery. I'm hoping at least one of these projects will be finished before the month is out, but one never can tell when waiting around for supplies to be delivered.

Some personal news (already old news to some): as of last Saturday morning, Sean and I are officially engaged. The proposal was both thoughtful and charming and I couldn't be happier.

I'm chilled to the bone on this mountain today, but remain thankful for these first amazing months of 2013.

Until next time, here's a squirrel to keep you in cute company.

Monday, February 4, 2013


An attempt to do something with consistency. A photo a day for a year. Hopefully I'll stick with it (and even learn a thing or two).


I'm sure I'll post about it on this blog from time to time, but the project can be followed over at my Flickr page.

Thanks for looking! 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Dudley & Winston - Acrylic on Canvas.

A pair of paintings recently commissioned by a friend. We strayed from the original concept (creating these portraits digitally) and decided to go for a stylized look using paint on canvas. Here are a few shots of the finished pieces.

16" x 16"