
Monday, March 31, 2014

Finally Finished - Pencil Drawing.

I am officially registered for classes for both summer and fall, so I've been scrambling to finish up any straggler pieces that have been lying around. This piece was completed in pencil on BFK Rives and is approximately 7" x 7".

Monday, March 17, 2014

Megan - Oil Painting - Continued.

In true West Virginia fashion, the weather can't decide what it wants to do. Just last week, I was running outside in shorts. Today? Snow. I'm over the drab brown/grey that is winter. Come on, Spring.

Something notable that I didn't mention in my last post is that Sean and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary a couple of weeks ago. Seriously! Where did the year go? In lieu of buying each other gifts, we decided to build a dining table. More on that as the project progresses. 

Painting update: More of the same. Glazing continues. Here are a few photos after the second session. My apologies for the crappy light and quality going on in these shots.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Oil Painting - Continued.

An update on the current painting. I finished up the grisaille layer sometime last week and began glazing today. I can't say that I'm incredibly pleased with my start today. After laying in my mix over the face, I felt like I could have gone heavier on the pigment. That said, I'm guessing that slow and steady build-up of color will most likely win the race. Had I started out with too much pigment, I might be stuck figuring out how to neutralize it.

Gamblin FastMatte Titanium White and Chromatic Black over the initial Raw Umber layer:

The first skin-tone glazing layer was a mix of Cadmium Red, English Red, Yellow Ochre, and Cadmium-Barium Yellow Medium. Once the area was covered, I went back in with Titanium White to pull out the underlying highlights. After a little drying time, I softened my edges with a soft, dry brush.

I'll go in and hit the areas I skipped over today once things have dried a bit (I had some bleed occur when two areas of wet glaze met). 

Until next time,